

Shelby Downey
Catherine Bennion

Amber Downey
Amber, better knows as "Shop Mom" is the wonderful lady behind all the mails, calls, texts, and of course, the very first friendly face you see when you walk into the shop.
Amber runs the operation, and frankly, without her, we'd be running around like headless chickens. She is always willing to help, listen and to assist our incredible clients with any questions they may have, and she is always ready to make sure you are booked in to get your dream tattoo.
If you are lucky enough to be in the shop when she has baked some of her magical brownies (they just really taste good, no actual "magic" if you get our hint) then your day will be even better. Her smile warms you up and she definitely will have you leaving with a smile of your own.

Shelby Downey (yes, Shelby like the car), is a South African female Tattoo Artist living in the glorious City of Gold which is more formally known as Johannesburg. However she is actually a small town girl from East London, better knows as "Slummies or Slumtown".
After she dropped out of University to pursue her dreams in 2016, she is now the proud owner of her very own shop which opened on the 14th March 2019. Through hard work, determination, persistence and a strong will - anything is achievable.
Shelby specializes in Fine line Ornamental, Illustrative, fine detail pieces, oh, and floral (give her floral and you have a happy lady). She is always up for a heart-to-heart while tattooing and she tells lots of bad jokes, so don't laugh if you don't want to encourage her. Krispy Kreme is the way to her heart, or plants, either make her happy.